
The Delano Grape Strike

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On September 8, 1965, one of the most important strikes to happen in U.S history occurred. Over 2,000 Filipino grape farm workers rebelled and striked against the farm owners. What caused this to happen was that the farm workers had been working for years with terrible working conditions. They decided that they have had enough and did something about their poor working conditions and paying wage. 

"Pickets Gather at the grape field to urge the workers to join the strike. The word "Huelga" is Spanish for strike."

"Civil rights activist Cesar Chavez talking with the grape workers to support the United Farm Workers Union. "

When civil rights activist, Cesar Chavez, was brought into the strike he had many plans. He wanted the Latino and Filipino strikers to work together by striking places, such as union halls. Most importantly he insisted that they remain non-violent. Cesar Chavez often thought that the correct way to show power was to be non-violent, so people saw that they came peacefully. 

Eventually the strikers moved on to boycotting, which ended up spreading across North America. Cesar Chavez knew that the ability to not give up was a weapon to them. Cesar Chavez tried to help the strikers follow the examples of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He would practice what his heroes had done in the past like using techniques like non-violent protests and hunger strikes. In February of 1968, Cesar Chavez had a hunger strike that left him unable to speak, but the strike continued. 

"Grape Strike Marchers Walking from Delano to Sacramento to Protest."

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