
The Delano Grape Strike

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Historical Context


The Delano Grape Strike made a huge impact to the farm workers. Many farm workers were getting paid under minimum wage.  They had no water, no nearby bathrooms, no job security, no benefits, and a terrible paying wage during their work hours.There were many attempts of striking, but failed. Thanks to the UFWA the farm workers were able to maintain good working conditions, a better paying wage, and job benefits. 

I think this video shows what people thought and had to say during the strike. Many thought that it was a good thing, but others thought that it was a bad idea and that it was ruining the community. 

"Robert F. Kennedy lending moral support to grape strike leader, Cesar Chavez."

The Delano Grape Strike is an important event in history because it shows the partnership between two groups. The Latino's and Filipino's united together and formed the United Farm Workers. With the UFWA, it revolutionized the farm labor movement in the United States. After this movement was ceased and finished with success, many farms around the U.S developed better benefits for the workers. 

"September 17, 2005, United Farm Workers president, Arturo Rodriguez and his partner Sonia Hernandez applaud for the 40th anniversary of The Delano Grape Strike."

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